What is Metamask Wallet?

Metamask is a very user-friendly wallet and is great for beginners. It has a built-in browser that allows you to easily access dApps and it also supports multiple accounts, so you can easily switch between them.

What is Metamask Wallet?
What is Metamask Wallet?

What is a cryptocurrency wallet?

A cryptocurrency wallet is a digital wallet that stores your private keys and public keys. Private keys are what you use to access your coins and transact on the blockchain. Public keys are what other people use to send you coins.

Cryptocurrency wallet
Cryptocurrency wallet

What is Metamask Wallet?

Metamask is a browser extension that allows you to interact with decentralized applications (dapps) on the Ethereum network. With Metamask, you can store ETH and other ERC20 tokens in a secure, decentralized way. In addition, Metamask allows you to easily sign transactions and interact with dapps without having to go through a third-party service.

Let’s go over how to install it on Google Chrome step by step.

To install Metamask on Chrome

1. Go to the “Chrome Web Store”.

2. Put “Metamask” in the search box.

What is Metamask Wallet?
What is Metamask Wallet?

3. Click “Add to Chrome” and then “Add Extension” in the pop-up.

What is Metamask Wallet?
What is Metamask Wallet?

4. Metamask will now be added to your Chrome extensions.

5. Once you have installed Metamask, you will need to create an account. You can do this by clicking “Get Started” button.


6. If this is the first time creating Meatmask Wallet, click the “Create a Wallet” button.


7. Click “I agree” button.


8. Create a password


9. Back up your secret phrase; this is the most important step.


10. Click the buttons respective to the order of the words in your seed phrase.


11. Click the “Confirm button” and Congraturations!


That’s all! Now you can send and receive cryptocurrency through your Metamask.

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