How to make Korean food “Kimchi”

how to make Korean food “Kimchi” : Spicy and yummy!

Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish that is made from Korean napa cabbage, radishes, and other vegetables. It is typically fermented and has a strong, spicy flavor.

There are many different types of kimchi, but the most common type is made with Korean napa cabbage.

If you’ve never had kimchi before, you may be wondering how to make it. The good news is that kimchi is relatively easy to make at home. All you need are some basic ingredients and a little bit of time.


The first step is to salt the Korean napa cabbage. This can be done by sprinkling salt on the Korean napa cabbage leaves or by submerging the Korean napa cabbage in a salt water solution. The Korean napa cabbage will need to sit in the salt for at least an hour, but longer is better.

After the Korean napa cabbage has been salted, it’s time to add the other vegetables. Radishes, carrots, and other vegetables can be added to the Korean napa cabbage. The vegetables should be chopped into small pieces so they will ferment evenly.

Once the vegetables have been added, it’s time to add the spice mixture. You can use Korean powdered chili pepper, crushed garlic, crushed ginger, and green onions as the spice. The spice mixture should be added to the Korean napa cabbage and vegetables and then mixed well.

After the spice mixture has been added, the Korean napa cabbage and vegetables need to be fermented. This can be done by placing the mixture in a glass or ceramic container and then sealing the container. The kimchi will need to ferment for at least two weeks, but the longer it ferments, the stronger the flavor will be. Once the kimchi has fermented, it’s time to enjoy Korean food Kimchi! Kimchi can be eaten on its own or with rice. It can also be used as a condiment for other dishes.

how to make Korean food "Kimchi"
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