

Do You Know Mental Health Triggers?

In this blog post, we’re going to talk about mental health triggers – what they are, how to identify them, and what to do. What Are Triggers? First, let’s define what a trigger is. A trigger is anything that sets off a negative reaction in you. When it comes to mental illness, “trigger” is often used to describe something that leads to or makes symptoms worse. It can be a person, a place, a thing, or even a memory. Some triggers are obvious, like a person who always makes you feel angry or stressed. Other triggers can be more subtle,…

9 Common Beliefs Of People With Low Self-Esteem

It is no secret that our society is rife with low self-esteem. In fact, it has become so common that it is now considered normal. This is a problem because low self-esteem can lead to all sorts of negative consequences, such as depression, anxiety, and even suicide. What is low self-esteem? Low self-esteem is when someone has an excessively negative view of themselves such as a feeling of self-loathing and inadequacy. This can manifest in many different ways, such as thinking you are not good enough, feeling unworthy, or believing that you are a failure. Therefore, people with low self-esteem…

Korean Restaurant in LA Koreatown “Sulga House of Bone Soup” : Our favorite menu Angus Rib with Cabbage Soup

Korean Restaurant in LA koreatown”Sulga House of Bone Soup” : Our favorite menu Angus Rib with Cabbage Soup Are you craving for Korean food? Sulga House of Bone Soup is a Korean restaurant in Los Angeles’ Koreatown that specializes in decent Korean dishes. Today, I am going to introduce me and my husband’s favorite menu in Sulga House of Bone Soup. And that is “Angus Rib with Cabbage Soup”! It’s a soup dish which has a beef rib, beef, and cabbages. We order it at least once a week since its broth is very dense and cabbages in it are…

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